Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ The Pirate's Tempting Stowaway (Dukes of War) (Volume 6) by Erica Ridley

The Pirate's Tempting Stowaway (Dukes of War) (Volume 6) by Erica Ridley

The Pirate's Tempting Stowaway (Dukes of War) (Volume 6)

The Pirate's Tempting Stowaway (Dukes of War) (Volume 6) by Erica Ridley PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"Captivating and Fun!" -- Over 100 4+ star reviews on Goodreads!

Captain Blackheart leads a simple life of roving the seas, wenching and treasure-hunting. He steers clear of romantic entanglements that could tie him to land. He shouldn't have any trouble keeping his hands off the gently-bred lady he's commissioned to abduct--except his cargo turns out to be feisty and passionate! She'd be a prize worth treasuring, if having her aboard didn't jeopardize everything...

Clara Halton thought the worst loss she could suffer was to be stripped of her family, stricken with consumption, and left to die alone. Then she meets Blackheart. Their attraction is ruinous...and irresistible. When he delivers her like so much plunder, his mission is over -- but hers has just begun. She'll force him to acknowledge their connection, even if she must storm his ship to do it!

Regency-set Historical Romance Novel (40,000 words / 200 pages)

The Dukes of War historical romance books in series order:
  1. The Viscount's Christmas Temptation
  2. The Earl's Defiant Wallflower
  3. The Captain's Bluestocking Mistress
  4. The Major's Faux Fiancee
  5. The Brigadier's Runaway Bride
  6. The Pirate's Tempting Stowaway
  7. The Duke's Accidental Wife

Pirate Romantic Comedy

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