Dystopia(n) Matters: On the Page, on Screen, on Stage by Fatima Vieira
Dystopia(n) Matters: On the Page, on Screen, on Stage by Fatima Vieira PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The volume is divided into two parts, separated by an Intermezzo. The first part, Dystopia Matters, benefits from the contribution of reputed scholars of the field of Utopian Studies, who were asked to make a statement explaining why dystopia is important. The Intermezzo completes this part and offers the reader an informed discussion of the concepts of utopia, dystopia and anti-utopia whilst providing ground for the case studies presented in the second part, in the sections devoted to literature, film, and theatre. In one way or another, despite the variety of approaches, all contributors argue for the idea that, if dystopia has invaded most forms of contemporary discourse, its sibling, utopia, has not been eradicated from the scene. Furthermore, the studies show that the tension between the two concepts is instrumental to our cautious, conscious, and tentative construction of the future.From reader reviews:
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