Advent A to Z: Prayerful and Playful Preparations for Families by John Indermark, Sharon Harding
Advent A to Z: Prayerful and Playful Preparations for Families by John Indermark, Sharon Harding PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Scripture and tradition fill the season of Advent with an abundance of characters, themes, and symbols. Each casts a slightly different perspective on the meaning of Jesus’ birth and God’s promised realm, the two chief components for which this season bids our preparation.Beginning December 1 and running through December 26, each day will explore an Advent-related word that begins with a successive letter in the alphabet. This is followed by suggestions for simple, easy-to-prepare, and complete activities (discussion starters, games, crafts, meditations, journaling, outreach project, devotions). The activities are based on that day’s word and are ideal for parents teaching their children about Advent.
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