Becoming Generation Flux: Why Traditional Career Planning is Dead: How to be Agile, Adapt to Ambiguity, and Develop Resilience (Volume 1) by Miles Anthony Smith
Becoming Generation Flux: Why Traditional Career Planning is Dead: How to be Agile, Adapt to Ambiguity, and Develop Resilience (Volume 1) by Miles Anthony Smith PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Whether you or someone you know is in college or just starting out, gainfully employed (and concerned about career ambiguity), underemployed, or have been downsized, rightsized, laid off, fired, cast off, or otherwise in career transition, Becoming Generation Flux is for you. Perhaps you are lost, hopeless, or angry. You might feel alone, cheated, ripped off, or not sure what to do next. Or maybe you are curious to understand the massive shift in the job hunting market currently rippling through the career transition landscape. Miles will guide you on a job search journey to understand the past, confront the career development present, and conquer future career success. You will learn why traditional career planning is dead, how to become agile, adapt to ambiguity, and develop resilience no matter what the job change market throws your way. The book is divided into the following four parts: Part 1: Historical Context: Lies, Damned Lies Part 2: Stop The Education Madness! Part 3: Embrace Becoming Generation Flux Part 4: Hope in the Job Seeking TrenchesFrom reader reviews:
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