Her Rancher Bodyguard (Martin's Crossing) by Brenda Minton
Her Rancher Bodyguard (Martin's Crossing) by Brenda Minton PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Her Texas Protector
Bodyguard Boone Wilder isn't keen on his latest mission: watching over a pretty politician's daughter. Boone is from quiet Texas Hill Country, and Kayla is a showy city gal. But once safely settled at the Wilder Ranch, Boone watches Kayla enjoy cooking with his family, caring for his relatives and bottle-feeding calves. There's more to her than he ever knew. Still, the former soldier's wounds are way too deep to let Kayla close. But when he discovers that someone wants to hurt Kayla, Boone must risk his heart to protect what he cares about most.
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