Dogs and Their People: Photos and Stories of Life with a Four-Legged Love by Barkpost
Dogs and Their People: Photos and Stories of Life with a Four-Legged Love by Barkpost PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
From the humans that brought you BarkBox (and BarkPost and BarkShop) finally comes Dogs and Their People.Finally, Bark & Co. has tapped the humans at BarkPost, the company’s publishing arm, to put into words and photographs the first official BarkBook, capturing the depth, spirit, and power of the extraordinary bond between humans and their pups.
Mostly community-sourced and filled with never-before-told anecdotes, stories, photos, and intimate insights, Dogs and Their People spotlights over 200 unique and remarkable dogs. Some are celebri-dogs while others are just making their debut; some will make your heart ache, while others will make it soar; and others simply look really dapper in color. All bring to life and celebrate the crazy, consuming, insatiable love we feel for the World’s Ultimate Best Friend in a book that is the perfect gift for Dog Lovers everywhere..
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