Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

PDF⋙ The East Asian Institute: A Goh Keng Swee Legacy by East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore

The East Asian Institute: A Goh Keng Swee Legacy by East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore

The East Asian Institute: A Goh Keng Swee Legacy

The East Asian Institute: A Goh Keng Swee Legacy by East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book record achievements of the East Asian Institute (EAI), one of the top five think tanks in the world under the leadership of Dr Goh Keng Swee, Professors Wang Gungwu, John Wong and Zheng Yongnian. EAI was placed fifth overall in the Asia and the Pacific category (which excludes China, India, Japan and South Korea) of the 2013 Global Go To Think Tank Survey's annual rankings. The hard work behind the nurturing of this institute is sometimes invisible, unwritten and under-appreciated but the contributions and results are clear and relevant to the scholarly world. The works of EAI's originating guardians as well as the future endeavours of its current directorship thus needs to be chronicled for future generations of scholars to learn from this intellectual experience of managing an institution as complex as EAI. The detailed historiography of EAI in this publication represents the multiple histories of EAI, China's developmental path since the initiation of market reforms as well as Singapore's collaborative interface with China's development.

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